15 Amazing Facts Of The Incredibly Normal: Human Poop

It's probably not the first thing you’d like to talk about, and certainly a strange thing to bring up at parties.But haven’t you ever wondered about what goes on with poop? Well you might be surprised on how much is known about it, and all the strange science behind human excrement which must have been a very smelly research project.So here are 15 of the strangest facts about human poop.


1.Most of your poop’s mass is water, about 75%.
2.Another 8% is made of fiber, another 8% are dead bacteria.While the remaining 8% are living bacteria dead cells and other inorganic materials.

The foul smell of poop is produced by bacteria which make lots of sulfur-rich compounds.Therefore the bacterium in your poop is to blame for the bad smell.
4.The average human will poop 2 pounds every day
5.In the professional environment, poop is referred either as stool or motions.
6.There is even a poop – or stool for doctor terminology – scale to determine the health of your motions.
7.The scale consists of seven different stool textures and builds each being different level of poop health.
8.A Japanese scientist has even managed to create meat from human feces, his name is Mitsuyuki Ikeda.
9.The meat is claimed to actually be healthier for people and is perfectly safe to eat – all harmful bacteria are killed in the production process – while also being less damaging to the environment.
10.The “turd” burger is 63% protein 25% carbs and only 3% fats (or lipids).
11.A newborn’s first bowel movements are made from meconium, which are the accumulations of what the infant consumes while in the uterus.
12.The meconium stools are release within the first 48 hours after birth.
13.The meconium is usually very darkish greenish black.This stool is also very unique in its consistency for it is usually very thick and sticky resembling tar.
14.When the meconium is analyzed scientists can determine how much tobacco the mother smoked during the pregnancy.
15.The brown color of the poop is the direct cause of bilirubin, which are the products of broken down red blood cells.

If you have ever wonderd if different colored food did anything for your health then click this link.

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"Bristol Stool Scale." Wikipedia.Wikimedia Foundation, July-Aug.2012.Web.6 Sept.2012..

"Facts About Poop." - Visual Academy.Onlineschools, n.d.Web.07 Sept.2012..

"Facts About Poop." SmellyPoop.com -.Smellypoop.com, n.d.Web.07 Sept.2012..

Article Written by GDop26

RIT student

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